Today we discussed what the purposes are of parenting. There are many purposes to parenting. One of the first that comes to my mind is becoming more like God. We are given such a divine right in this life to be more like God by being able to have and raise children. Although I am not a parent yet I realize that it is a very important responsibility parents are given to guide, love and protect their children. They also have the responsibility to teach their children responsibility, love, natural consequences and the realisms of the world. 
One thing we discussed in class was cooperation and how we were taught cooperation. When I was young my brother and I were fighting. We always got into annoying little fights and would whine and complain to my mom. "He's hitting me", "She's pinching me". One day my parents decided that they were not going to intervene anymore and stop us from fighting so we just went at it. We were probably only fighting for about 10 minutes but it seemed like an hour to me until we were both in tears. We never fought like that again. We learned that there were other ways to cooperate rather than fighting. Haha mom and dad I hope you laughed reading this :) 
4/6/2013 01:14:57 am

Hi Cierra. Read it and almost cried. So happy you did learn something as it was just as hard for me to let you go at it!


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