This week we talked about Fatherhood and Motherhood - and the differences between the two. I think this is so perfectly timed especially with the Supreme Court Debate going on right now about changing the Marriage Law. I am going to focus on Fatherhood and the importance of it.
What are a few things Fathers do in children's lives? 
1. Fathers build confidence. Fathers are much more opt to encourage their kids to swing or climb a little higher or throw just a little bit harder, which challenges them and increases their confidence to do thing. 
2. Fathers communicate differently. In a large study it was shown that when speaking to children mothers will simplify their words whereas Fathers are not as inclined to do so. By doing this Father's challenge and expand the child's linguistic skills. 
3. Fathers help prepare children for the real world. Fathers are more likely to show children that attitudes and behaviours lead to consequences. 
Mothers of course have a great role in the child's life as well. Mothers teach love, compassion, trust and so much more. I think that in today's society the importance of the role of both a mother and a father are being pushed aside. 
I watched a testimonial of a young girl in the supreme court who talked about her parents. She explained the important things she has learned from having both a father and a mother and asked the court, which one will you take away? Which one can I do without? I think that is the same question we should ask ourselves. 

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