While preparing for class this week we were able to learn about the different characteristics of both genders. So female vs male - what is it that makes the other gender so complex? Here are a few key things that I learned that really resonated with me. 

  1. Women are much more relationship oriented than men. 
  2. Women and men both experience about the same feelings on a daily basis but women just have a greater degree of expressing those feelings (so women AREN'T really more emotional, they just show it more often which is why it has led us to think that)
  3. Women are much more sensitive to non-verbal communication than men (for good reason - as women are the primary care-givers)
  4. Men are naturally more aggressive (which even shows up when comparing boy and girl toddlers)
  5. Men are more spatial oriented (which kind of means they are focused on one thing at a time)

Men's brains vs Women's brains

Men's brains can be compared to a room full of boxes - they move from one box to another whereas Women's brains can be compared to a ball of wire - everything connects to something else. Men's brains have more grey matter - which means more storage area in the brain. Women's brains have more white matter (about 5x more) which is associated with verbal and emotion connection. This may be why women express their emotions more often - because it is easier for them

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In The Family: A Proclamation to the World (which you can find a link to at the top of this page) it is proclaimed that in the family men are to 1 Provide 2 Preside 3 Protect their families and women are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children

Knowing the different responsibility that each spouse holds in the family relates perfectly to the attributes that as men and women we hold. Men are more aggressive which definitely helps in the protection of the family but also the providing and presiding over the family. Women are more relationship oriented, and able to read non verbal cues better than men which makes sense in that nurturing children consists of developing relationships and reading many non-verbal cues.

There was a woman who spoke in another class about Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - which is a disease associated with having excessive or deficient sex steroids. The type this woman had caused her to have a more "male" brain. Not in attraction but in drive. So when her and her husband had children she did not have the instinctive motherly traits that women usually have. 

The word preside derives from the word, president which means a delegator of , or to direct and lead. We do not believe that the man is in charge and has final say. Both the husband and the wife are on equal ground.

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