As you read those different ways of me expressing the simple word "communication" you all probably read into it differently as I punctuated and wrote the word differently. Chances are many of you also read it differently than I intended. This is a common example of miscommunication. Nowadays, especially because of technology, the sending and receiving of messages can so easily be misinterpreted. In communication we read into non-verbal communication much more than we do in what the person is actually saying. Because of this it is easy to understand how messages can be wrongly decoded when we can not see the non-verbal side of what someone is saying. Therefore it is totally up to our interpretation. For example I use multiple periods when I am annoyed or frustrated. Like "um ok.....". Whereas some people just use them as commas or spaces between what they are saying. Learning to encode and decode messages sent (whether through technology or not) is a skill everyone can work on. 

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