In class this week we were able to research families in different social classes. Research had found the social class you are born into is a very large determiner of what social class you will be in when you start your life. There are people who can move social classes, but this can require a lot of work. This brought us to a very interesting discussion of how we know what class people are in. And the thing it all came down to was judgements. In reality we don't know the specific financial standings of those around us. We put people into different classes based on the size of their house, their toys, the way they hold themselves, the activities they participate in. This really hit me because we really don't know where people are financially and it taught to me that we often judge so poorly. Just because someone has a nice house and a nice car doesn't mean that they are rich, they may be very much in debt. It reassured to me how important it is to not judge unrighteously, as the Savior has taught time and time again.
Something else that we learned about was Genograms. Genograms are basically 4 generation family trees but with information about each family member and patterns that have been passed down. My teacher then brought up some of the teachings of the Bible and specifically in Isaiah when the Lord tells the people that generations of their family will be cursed by their decisions. He commented that he had always thought it was so harsh that the Lord would curse those other generations for one persons decision but when he started studying genograms he was able to see more of what the Lord meant. Heavenly Father knew how families worked and how patterns were passed down from generation to generation unless they were mindfully broken. What patterns are there in your family? Do you want to break them? If you are able to ponder this I

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